You should run the tests multiple times and then take the average of the transfer process to get an idea of the standard performance. 应该多次运行测试,然后求出传输过程的平均时间,从而比较准确地了解性能水平。
In addition, standard performance analysis principles apply to interpreting these results. 另外,标准的性能分析原则用以理解这些结果。
The singer has lapsed from her high standard of performance. 那位歌手没能保持住高水平的演出。
The dancer has recently lapsed from her formerly high standard of performance. 这位舞蹈演员近来的表演水平不如过去高了。
A.The purpose of this code is to establish a standard of performance, to educate, and to encourage commitment to responsible manufacturing, not to punish. a. 目的是用于建立一套执行标准,教育并鼓励员工在生产时需对生产负责,而不是对员工进行惩罚。
Intel had decided that the clock speed of its processors should be the standard for performance improvements. 英特尔曾经认为,其处理器的主频应成为性能改善的衡量标准。
The standard of performance has gone down. 表演水平自去年以来下降了。
Evaluation Method of Standard Gas Performance of Hydrogen in Nitrogen 氮中氢气体标准物质性能的评价方法
Not only fulfill the International standard of performance facilities, further allows versatile and different types of performances. 不只是满足国际共识的表演设施指标,更要有弹性,能容所不同特质的演出。
If your standard of performance is still not adequate you will be warned in writing that a failure to improve and to maintain the performance required could lead to your dismissal. 如果经过培训后,您的工作表现仍未达到公司的要求,公司将向您发出书面警告,警告您如未能将自己的工作能力达到或保持到公司要求的水平,您将被公司除名。
In the previous version there were no cluster-specific monitoring tools and one had to rely on standard Windows performance monitors. 在从前的版本中,系统并没有提供集群范围内的监视工具,我们只能够使用传统的Windows性能监视工具。
Absent any state or industry standard, performance shall be in accordance with the customary standard or any particular standard consistent with the purpose of the contract; 没有国家标准、行业标准的,按照通常标准或者符合合同目的的特定标准履行。
The standard of performance has gone up since last year, as the players have gained more experience. 去年以来演员有了较多的经验,所以演出质量有所提高。
Finally financial performance evaluation and investment performance evaluation are deeply discussed respectively with the order of performance evaluation target, performance evaluation index, and performance evaluation standard and performance evaluation method. 再分别从筹资、投资两个方面进行研究,这其中是按业绩评价目标、业绩评价指标、评价标准和评价方法的顺序来阐述的。
Non-difference Financial Index of the Business Standard Performance Evaluation 企业绩效标准值下的财务指标无量纲化与评价
The two correlated research projects are listed. According to train communication network standard and performance characteristics of CAN bus, the paper has illustrates the reasons that CAN bus not as train bus and vehicle but as device bus or controller bus. 结合CAN总线性能特点,根据列车通信网络TCN标准阐述了CAN总线不适合作为列车总线和车辆总线,适合作为设备级总线或控制器总线。
The influence of meteorological conditions is related to the standard antiskid performance of highways. 此外,气象条件与路面实际抗滑性能的关系还与其标准抗滑性能有关。
The study of MNC Managerial standard performance Evaluating Method 跨国公司业绩评价标准的研究
In this paper, the potential parallel algorithms used for image processing are surveyed, and their corresponding parallel architectures are given. And the standard of performance evaluation of the parallel algorithms is analysed. 本文分析了图象处理中潜在的各种并行算法,给出了它们相应实现的并行结构,并阐述了评价这些算法的性能标准。
Make use of fluorine gypsum as delayed coagulant, we can get good effectiveness to the strength of cement, according to standard performance of the cement not appear defective effect. 氟石膏作水泥缓凝剂有良好的效果,水泥强度符合要求,对水泥性能未见不良影响。
This article has summarized the RFID technology application development present situation, introduced system applies in basic principle, system composition, classified form and choice standard and performance appraisal. 本文简述了RFID技术应用发展现状,着重介绍了系统应用的基本原理、系统组成、分类形式及选择标准和性能评估等方面内容。
This article simply introduces the standard performance requirement, system principle and functions, system structure of the simplified voyage data recorder. 从性能标准要求、系统原理与功能、系统结构组成等几个方面对简易船载航海数据记录仪(S-VDR)进行了简单的介绍。
The paper discusses the possibility of the combination of balanced scorecard and performance audit, it analyzes the application of balanced scorecard to the design of evaluation standard of performance audit in local audit offices. 探讨了平衡计分卡和绩效审计结合的可能性,分析了基于平衡计分卡的绩效审计评价的原理、程序和适用范围,将平衡计分卡这种绩效评估的管理理念应用到部门绩效审计评价标准的设计;
The development of English distance learning requires the establishment of English distance learning system and the standard performance of English distance learning. 发展英语远程教育要构建英语远程教育体系,规范英语远程教育的运作。
The Research on the Standard of Performance Auditing of Public Institution 公共机构绩效审计评价标准研究
We present on-line algorithms for these scheduling problems and adopt the standard performance measure-competitive ratio to analyze them. 我们对这些排序问题提出了相应的在线算法,并采用国际上通用的算法评价标准竞争比(competitiveratio)来衡量、分析给出的算法。
The performance evaluation system based on Script Parser will make the institutions and employee consistent with the standard performance. 建设基于脚本解析器的绩效考核系统,可以使企事业单位对于员工工作目标有一致性的理解。
If the structure does not conform to the standard requirements, it can be proved by increasing the section size of frame column, and putting a certain amount of steel in the structure to meet the standard aseismic performance requirements. 对不符合规范要求的结构形式,通过改变框架柱的截面形式,在框架截面中配置一定量的型钢,可以使结构的抗震性能满足规范的要求。
Synchronous generator excitation system has been transformed to the standard performance requirements of mixed H2/ H ∞ control issues, excitation system of synchronous generator has been studied. 本文将同步发电机励磁系统的性能要求转化为标准混合H2/H∞控制问题,研究了同步发电机励磁控制系统。
However, at present, the standard of performance audit is not perfect, the audit resource is limited, the quality of auditor is not enough and performance audit of public works lacks criterion. 但在目前,绩效审计的标准不完善、审计资源的有限性、审计人员素质的不适应性以及公共项目绩效审计规范的缺乏均制约了它的发展。